Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Crowning Moment

Last night I had the privilege of competing with some amazing young women for the title of Miss Gateway St. Louis Outstanding Teen 2013 and Miss Chesterfield Valley Outstanding Teen 2013.  I was so blessed to have walked away with a crown, and an amazing and life-changing year to look forward to!

This new title of Miss Chesterfield Valley has shown me how God works in great (and very ironic) ways!  Just about a week before I was going to compete in this pageant, my sisters and mom were persuading me to consider becoming an independent competitor at Miss Missouri's OT 2013 and entering "at large."  I wasn't very fond of this idea, mostly because I love the experience I get from going to pageants and making new friends.  After much conversation about this topic, we all agreed that if I were to not win this title (Miss Gateway St. Louis OT) then I would consider entering "at large", which would mean I could choose my own title.  I gave it a lot of thought, but with my school, Barat Academy, in mind, I told my mom I would want the title of "Miss Chesterfield Valley OT."  Arriving Saturday morning for orientation, Lauren gathered us around and told us she had "very exciting news."  She told us that there were going to be two titles given out during this pageant since there was such a great contestant turn out and interest.  Along with all the contestants around me, I became thrilled that there was now a greater chance I could walk away with a crown, but what Lauren said next is what made me ecstatic.  She said that these two titles were going to be Miss Gateway St. Louis (obviously) and Miss Chesterfield Valley.  My jaw dropped as I thought about how I picked that title out just a week ago!  I quickly turned toward my mom, who had the biggest smile on her face.  When I went to talk to her after the meeting she was telling me how this could mean one of two things.  It was either meant to be, or I would have to find another title to compete with!  That night (after an incredibly fun opening number-may I add), as my name was being called for winning Miss Chesterfield Valley OT, I was overjoyed and overcome with emotion.  At that moment, all I could think about was how God has amazing ways of getting our attention.  Some might call this situation ironic, lucky, or coincidental, but I truly think that God had this planned out.  I believe that everything happens for a reason, and this was a very creative way for God to reestablish his grace in my life!  I hope to continue to see life through new eyes and recognize God's signs that he sets out for me.  

Accepting the title of Miss Chesterfield Valley's OT means much more than just putting on a crown.  For those of you who don't know, I come from a family of 5 girls, and my two older sisters have won Gateway titles.  Erika was Miss Gateway St. Louis 2010 and Alison was Miss Gateway St. Louis 2012.  I am thrilled to continue the "Hebron legacy" by keeping the family tied with the Gateway program!  

I cannot even start to explain how thankful I am to receive this opportunity to compete at Miss Missouri's Outstanding Teen this June representing Chesterfield Valley, my home.  This being my second year competing, I hope to improve and become a better competitor, tapper, friend, sister, and daughter.  

The support that I have gotten this past year has been incredible.  My family has never ceased to give their attention to the many hobbies I try to pursue and accomplish.  Although my sister Alison is leaving me to compete by myself now, I think she has given me the right tools and skills I need to complete this journey on my own.  My friends have also been beside me every step of the way.  I couldn't ask for a better group than them!  I want to say a special thank-you to Taylor and Allison for yelling, "Work it Smoochie" before my talent last night!  They were the best cheerleaders, which was definitely recognized! :)  Thank you all so much!

As I embark on this new year as a Miss Missouri America local titleholder, I hope that I can promote my platform (Girls on the Run), be a role model for the young girls around me, and grow as a person.  I know I will not have trouble fitting in with my new board and my sister queens!  I am particularly excited that I get to spend this year with Jenn Davis, Miss Gateway St. Louis 2013.  We are Barat buds, and hope to introduce this pageant system to a new audience!  I look forward to building relationships with the rest of these amazing women, and supporting the rest of the queens throughout this year!

As I close this entry, I would like to invite you to follow my blog to keep up with everything I will be doing this year with my title.  

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  
~Jeremiah 29:11 
The Passing of the Gateway Crown: (Imagine) Erika Hebron, Miss Gateway St. Louis 2010 ~ Jillian Richardson, Miss Gateway St. Louis 2011 ~ Alison Hebron, Miss Gateway St. Louis 2012 ~ Myself ~ Halie Hebron, Future Gateway Girl

Jenn Davis, Miss Gateway St. Louis 2013