Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Take the Pledge!

Please take one moment out of your day to follow the link below and take the National Diversity Alliance pledge to become a Diversity Ally, like myself!  This wonderful organization was started by one of my best friends- Miss Missouri's Outstanding Teen 2013: Tess Mandoli. Help share this message by passing on the link as well!
Many thanks from myself, as well as Tess! :)

Take the Pledge

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Fun with the Fam

My family's annual trip to Innsbrook this year started Thursday when we packed, consolidated, re-packed, and headed out West to meet up with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins for a week of fun!

Ironically, the community of Innsbrook was celebrating Christmas in July on this day, which was also my mom's birthday. (May I say that my mom is the BIGGEST Christmas enthusiast you will ever meet.) We rounded out our day with the movie Elf and a hysterical game of White Elephant, where I received my aunt and uncle's old wall decorations. 

The next morning, after a morning of tennis and swimming, we made our way to the horse stables to help make fleece blankets for kids at the Children's Hospital and cards for a nursing home and soldiers overseas. This opportunity was a great chance to realize the importance of sharing time with your family- not only in times of fun, but more importantly using our talents and time to help others. 

With about three more days of themed nights, lake swimming, and funny stories, I don't want this vacation to end! There is never a dull or boring moment when you're with this gang of fellas. If you stand still too long in this house you could end up getting hit by Adam's nerf gun, asked to be buried in the sand, given knitting needles, or even forced to do the Mexican Hat Dance. 

I look forward to this week all year, and wouldn't trade it for a thing!

"Family is not an important thing. It's everything." 
~Michael J. Fox

"Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops." 
~Cary Grant 

My younger sister Halie and Audrianna and I getting ready to take off in the car. We are very heavy packers!

My mom and I celebrating Christmas in July- Happy birthday! 

Making blankets for the Children's Hospital

Trying out the paddle boat on the lake with my sisters Audrianna and Alison, and Alison's fiancé David

My uncle Kevin and cousin Adam in the paddle boat racing (and maybe cheating) Alison and David in the kayak