Tuesday, February 5, 2013

National Pancake Day

I had an amazing time today working up at my local IHOP collecting donations for CMN!  I reunited with Hayden, one of the St. Louis's Miracle Children, and met many new friends.  

I want to thank everyone who came out, ate an awesome short stack, and donated money to CMN.  Your support was greatly appreciated!  

After working at IHOP, I went to the last boys basketball game at my school and watched Barat come out on top!  Performing our guy-girl dance (AKA Baratcudas dance) just added to the excitement!  What a night!

"Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice."
~Philippians 4:4

My new best friend, Kylie, who I met while working at IHOP 

Hayden, my best bud :)

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