Thursday, February 21, 2013

I Feel Pretty...Oh So Pretty!

This past Sunday, I headed out with my mom, my sister queens, and my directors to Kansas City to go dress shopping for Miss MO! I had dreams of what I wanted my gown to look like, and I couldn't wait to see what I was going to find.

When we arrived, Karin welcomed us in and was incredible at knowing our size, shape, colors, style, and everything else about us without even asking!  She quickly pulled out a dress for me, and when I stepped out in it, I knew that this was the one.  With "Oohs" and "Awws" scattered around the shop, I immediately fell in love!  I cannot wait to be able to show everyone my gorgeous gown at Miss MO OT this summer! :)

After finding my gown rather quickly, I spent the rest of the day watching my sister queens (minus Jenn and Stephanie who couldn't come) try on and find their own perfect dresses!  It was amazing to see their confident, beautiful faces when they found that one dress.  

I want to thank Karin and Net Fashion Avenue for an amazing day of relaxation and fun, and the opportunity to feel the prettiest I ever have, which is something every girl wants!  I can't wait to see you in the crowd cheering us on this June!

"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous." 
~Coco Chanel

Anna, I, Karin, and Brooke after finding our dresses

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