Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Let's Hear it for the GIRLS Night of Fun

I have very exciting news: On April 12th (from 5-9pm) I will be leading a "Night of Fun" for girls ages 8-14 to learn what being a girl is all about.  It is only $15 and all the profits will be donated to Children's Miracle Network and Girls on the Run, two worthy organizations.

My platform, Let's Hear it for the Girls is an educational and inspirational program that I created for young girls that teaches them the truth behind being a girl in today's society.

Through this program, girls are able to find their inner beauty and let it shine.  Activities concerning anti-bullying, self-esteem, and the media's portrayal of beauty are just a few ways these girls are motivated and equipped to live a healthy life.  This program believes that informing young girls early is critical, because the media is reaching and impacting them younger and younger now.

Please team up with me and this program, as we impact these girls, by being a leader in you own house and community.  Take a minute and think of all the young people you reach every day.  Don't you want them to learn the best from you?  Remember to always encourage kids to make the best choices by leading by example and being the best role model for everyone!

Please refer to the flier and registration form (also available on facebook) to learn more about this exciting and fun-filled event! :) I can't wait to work with these girls! 

A huge "thank-you" to Barat Academy for hosting this event as well! 

Please spread this on to all the young girls in your life! 

If you have any questions concerning this program or our Night of Fun, please feel free to email me: MissChesterfieldValleyOT2013@gmail.com

"If you even feel like giving up, just remember there's a little girl watching who wants to be just like you.  Don't disappoint her."
~Unknown Author

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