Sunday, June 9, 2013

What a Week!

Arriving in Mexico, Missouri on Monday afternoon last week, I was totally unaware of the amazing things that the Miss Missouri and Miss Missouri Outstanding Teen pageant had in store for me!  From the moment I unpacked the car at the hotel and took a shopping trip at the local Walmart, I knew this was going to be an unforgettable week.  I couldn't believe Miss MO week, the week I had been prepping for for over a year, was already here!  Although it had snuck up on me, I was so ready to rock that stage and show everyone what I had to offer.

Tuesday I was welcomed by all of the truly OUTSTANDING teens at the early-morning meeting and had rehearsals all day.  While rehearsing, it finally hit me that I was on the Miss MO stage and I only had a couple hours until the competition actually started!  After a little bit of news studying and interview prepping, I was quickly asleep; only having a couple hours until I had to wake up to start getting ready for my interview!

Waking up the next morning, I was immediately excited for my interview!  Normally, I would have butterflies in my stomach and not a bit of an appetite, but this was something different.  I was surprisingly calm and relaxed, but actually excited to go into my interview and share with the judges who I am and why I am here competing for Miss MO OT.  After talking with my directors and getting encouraging remarks from my mom and sister, I confidently walked into my interview which was a feeling that I had never felt!  For those who don't know, interview has always been my most nerve wracking part, and when I get nervous I get hives, like REALLY bad.  I had never made it out of an interview in my life without hives covering my shoulders or chest- that is until Wednesday.  I quickly scurried down the stairs, so excited to tell my family and sister queens that my interview went well, and my mom just smiled and stared at me.  To my surprise, I had ONE small hive on the back of my shoulder.  At that moment, proud beyond belief, I had accomplished one of my main goals that I set in November when I won- to complete an interview without being covered in hives.  Not only was this a huge relief (having interview over), but I knew that I had already improved from last year which is all that I wanted out of this week!
At the show Wednesday, I competed in evening gown/onstage question with the rest of the OT Group A girls.  Wearing the dress of my dreams, I answered my question and walked down the runway with my little princess Ella.  Two phases of competition were over- two left to go!

Thursday was packed with rehearsals and more rehearsals.  Oh, but it was okay because I got to have lunch and spend a couple hours with Ella!  She is the cutest, sweetest, and most amazing little princess a girl could ask for.  She never fails to make me smile!  I hope to continue to stand as a role model for her as I grow up.  This talented and determined young girl is going to accomplish even greater things as she gets older!  This luncheon was great, though, to sit back and relax in the middle of a hectic and crazy week.

I didn't compete Thursday night at the show, but Friday was started with our Fitness and Talent prelims bright and early!  Nailing my push-up and dancing my heart out to "Let Yourself Go," I was so excited but surprisingly upset that all of the preliminary competition was over.  Having a huge cheering section come and greet me after the morning show was just icing on the cake!
That night was the Teen Finals, and I couldn't wait to see who was going to be crowned.  After opening number, we quickly got back on stage for the announcement of the Top 11.  The second name called was mine, and I couldn't believe it!  I had never even imagined making it this far, but I was unbelievably excited to get to compete again in front of my family that had come to support me that night.  That show went by so fast. All I remember is praying nonstop backstage and talking to Stephanie, my sister queen, to calm to nerves.  Competing as part of the Top 11 was a dream come true, and I don't regret anything I did.  I gave it my all and rocked the stage!
The time for crowning arrived, and seeing Tess named Miss Missouri Outstanding Teen 2013 was such an exciting moment!  She is more than deserving of the crown and title, and will fulfill this job to the fullest!  I cannot wait to see her rock the MA OT stage!
The best part of the night, though, was walking into the auditorium afterwards and getting attacked by the people I love.  After countless hugs, kisses, and encouraging remarks, I was so overwhelmed by their love and support!  I cannot thank my directors, friends, and family for everything they have done for me- You all are the BEST!!

After the dance party Friday night and my first Dr. Pepper in awhile, Saturday brought the Miss MO parade in the morning.  Getting to spend even more time with Ella by showing off our crowns, taking selfies, and throwing out candy as we drove by was probably my favorite part of the week!
After our last rehearsal, I went back to the hotel to get ready for the FINAL show of the week.  The week had gone by way too fast, but I was so ready to find out who our next Miss MO was going to be!  After all three of my sister queens were named in the Top 11, along with much screaming and cheering, Shelby Ringdahl was crowned and I couldn't be happier!  She will do an awesome job at Miss America, and will represent Missouri confidently this next year.

This week was exhausting, but has brought so many amazing memories I will never forget!  I want to congratulate all of the contestants.  Many of the teens I was able to get to know so well, and I hope I will have the chance to see them again.  I will cherish these friendships forever, and I cannot wait to see what these girls achieve in their lives.  My sister queens- Brooke, Anna, Amanda, Jenn, and Stephanie- were amazing.  I couldn't ask for better sisters :) And their moms are pretty awesome as well! Us Heartland/Gateway/Chesterfield girls have some pretty good abs now since we laughed all week long!

I have also come to realize how blessed I am.  This organization has taught me SO much!!  Not only have I been able to develop my talents as a tap dancer, public speaker, and servant leader because of these pageants, but they have made me the girl I am today- confident, outspoken, and determined.  If it weren't for this program, I would still be the quiet red head sitting in the corner.  Now, though, I am able to see my full potential and strive for nothing less than that!

Again, thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout this journey leading up to Miss MO!  I am unbelievably thankful that God offered this opportunity to me, and will never forget any part of it!  He had a plan for me, and I think I made him proud this week.

"All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved."
~Mark 13:13

"Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you."
~Cynthia Kersey

Ella and I after Evening Gown/Onstage Question Wednesday

Fun with Ella at the Luncheon on Thursday

Ella and I at the Luncheon 

Getting announced in the Top 11 on Friday

Top 11 Activewear

  Top 11 Talent

My sister queens (Anna and Brooke) and I at the Parade on Saturday

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